They must have known I would rush immediately to the faucet to turn on the drip irrigation. This morning they gave me a standing ovation and waved their sunny thank yous.
I've been away from the garden too much this summer.

This past week, we've been to St Louis to attend family business. We left Coal and the house in the capable hands of a house sitter....not a gardener! The garden is looking a bit stressed from record breaking high temps and no rain. It's hard to explain to a non-gardener how to watch for stressed plants and water accordingly! He did a marvelous job on my containers. It helped that storms moved through over night and a bit of rain fell. Today is partly cloudy and we had hope that a little more will fall. As I type this the sun is beginning to peak out from the clouds....too bad. This summer has been brutal.
Missouri Botanical Garden prairieI can't visit St Louis without a trip to Shaw's Garden.

That's what natives affectionately call the Missouri Botanical Gardens. Henry Shaw, a botanist and philanthropist donated his house and gardens to the city and the city has developed it into a world class botanical garden. It's wonderful. If you're ever within driving distance...visit. There's something for every gardener. If you love natives and prairie plantings then you'll love it. If you adore tropicals~the Climatron is calling you're name. If you want trial gardens~they've got it. Veggies, a children's garden and wonderful sculptures and a few Chihuly pieces.

It's where I headed to renew my spirits. They were lagging after my sister's memorial service....An hour of breathing garden scents and seeing busy bees and I can take on the world again.

I'm back home for a few weeks~Loyal readers will have noticed I've been posting irregularly and not visiting blogs. The truth is~my energy is lagging. Once this travel is over, I'll be able to return to the garden and blogging as usual. I already feel my energy returning.

For all you wildflower and native plant enthusiasts~
I bet you noticed all the photos, except one, are native flowers! Well, it's in honor of Wildflower Wednesday~which is tomorrow! Stop by, I hope to have Mr Linky up and running!
We're shouting with joy to hear from you, too! Just think, when you're finally done with traveling, you'll have lovely fall weather for gardening!
ReplyDeleteCindy, You are so right! The fall is my second favorite time in the garden. gail
ReplyDeleteI love Missouri Botanical Gardens! I worked there the summer of 2005 as an intern. I spent most of my time at their sister location, Shaw Nature Reserve in Gray Summit, MO. They specialize in native plants. Next time your in the St. Louis area, check it out!
mary, I haven't been to the Nature Center~it was developed after I left the city for college and then moved to TN~But I'll head there this fall when I'm back visiting sisters. Thanks! gail
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to afford a trip to gardens in Chicago, now I hav to go to St. Louis too? Thanks. :)
ReplyDeletebenjamin, You'll love them both! gail
ReplyDeleteDear Gail, we too are jumping for joy that you are home again! And joyful that Mobot lifted your spirits. The susans and others in your garden do look happy that you are home. :-)
Hi Gail, Glad you're able to spend some time in your garden now and share in the joy of the Susans. Gardens are powerful healers, aren't they? I know you'll find peace and comfort in yours.
ReplyDeleteMoBot is a place that can lift ones spirits any time of the year. I am glad you got to tour. Your garden is as happy as we are that you returned. Beautiful photos all.
ReplyDeleteHi Gail, I'd love to see the St Louis botanical gardens.
ReplyDeleteWe got a couple back to back gully washers that flattened my phlox but most everything held up pretty well. Considering the terrible heat we've had, we desperately needed the rain. (Probably the people on the now flooded rivers and still pumping water out of their basements would disagree with me.)
Hope you get the free time to relax and de-stress in your beautiful garden.
Hi Gail. Glad you could visit that gorgeous garden to lift your spirits. You have been a busy traveler this year! I'm sure your garden has missed you but luckily they are very forgiving. It would be hard to leave my garden during the summer and trust a teenager to water appropriately. (that would be my only option!) Your photos are superb. Rest up and renew your energy. XO
ReplyDeleteHi Gail....the summer here has been extreme. We have had hardly any rain in the last seven months.
ReplyDeleteI must confess I have struggled with my garden this year. Many trees are dropping their leaves and looking very sad.
Unless you are a gardener, I don't think you ever understand a garden.......
I am so pleased a visit to the botanical gardens restored your spirits.......
So glad you were able to visit a beautiful garden after your sister's memorial service and that you've had safe travels. Visiting gardens and working in my garden have been great comfort to me since my father died in March. I am already worrying about how my garden will fare under the watch of a teenager when I'm on vacation. I'm hoping there will be some rain and a respite from the extreme heat.
ReplyDeleteI'm very glad that we got that third of an inch of rain last night! I know you've been busy and had a lot on your mind but even had you been in the garden it would be a tough summer so far. Little rain and nearly too hot to do anything. I hope August brings us some unseasonably cool weather!
ReplyDeleteNow why did I think wildflower Wednesday was last week? I'm glad your garden is back and the Susans look so happy about it.
ReplyDeleteSo *that's* what that roar is in my garden. I have dozens of clumps of black-eyed Susans--something I *never* water, but then I don't live in TN! :) I still haven't posted about my trip to MOBOT *last* August. Did you go to Ted Drewes? Looking forward to your reports! Hugs!
ReplyDeleteMonica~Ted Drews my fav but we didn't make it over there~Next time. Can'
ReplyDeletet wait to read your post on MOBOT! gail
I would love to visit the Missouri Botanical Garden sometime. I hear it is not to be missed, one of the best. We miss you, one of the best, too!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear about your sister. This has indeed been a trying summer for you. I hope that soon your spirit and energy will be completely renewed.
ReplyDeleteBlack Eyed Susans always bring a smile to my face. It is one of my favorite wildflowers.They grow wild on a bank near our house.
I'm glad you're starting to feel rejuvenated! I would love to visit Missouri Botanical Garden; I have heard so many wonderful things about it!
ReplyDeleteYou do what you need to do and really take care of yourself during these times. Don't stress over blogs. Lovely photos of the flowers.
ReplyDeleteWe got a miraculous 3-4" of rain today and the temps in the 60s! Relief. Just in time.
Dear Gail, I'm glad these lovely natives helped to lift your spirits. I hope that you have some time soon to rejuvenate and that your own garden helps to lift your spirits even further.
ReplyDeleteMOBOT is only 4 hours away from me, yet I've never been. I can see a road trip in my future:)
Gail, how did I miss this post? I'm glad I found it, a lovely spot in my morning of work. Again, I'm so sorry about your sister. Perhaps, one day, we can visit MOBOT together. I'm often up in STL to visit my SIL and nieces. I love the Shaw garden.~~Dee