Home of the Practically Perfect Pink Phlox and other native plants for pollinators

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This Is WHAT I'll Remember When The Cold and Gray Winter Days Begin;)

Today the sky was October blue beautiful. It was cold, but, with the sun finally shining on the garden, who cared! The wind was coming from the west and it was slowly warming the garden. The bees were already awake and the asters were humming with activity.

Small bees, large bees, faux bees, wasps and hover flies were everywhere.

The day invited me to sit and enjoy~~I saw Gossamer wings

Embraceable flowers

Pollen dusted bumbles

Flowers that bloom golden for weeks and weeks

fading flowers still beautiful

A visitor basking in the warm sunshine

Not one, but two Painted Lady butterflies a.k.a. Vanessa cardui

Clouds of blue asters buzzing with bees

Water colored petals in a favorite shade of pink

curlicue petals of fading asters

mouths open wide

The setting sun on the bestday we've had this month.

This is what I'll remember when the gray winter days arrive.



  1. Oh dear Gail....I am lost for words......

  2. Gail girl have you been "drinking: again ? hahaha ... Hey .. I picked before I read (go figure .. domino affect).. something did something very naughty in my garden .. right next to one of my new hellebores .. I'm saying SHAT !!! too !!!

  3. Er. "This is WHAT I'll remember..."?!!! Just checking.

  4. Well, just now, Monday 4 pm EST, Clay and Limestone is on the Blotanical front page as 'Popular Posts at the Moment.'

  5. Well now you have us all wondering!

  6. You do know how to peak interest now don't you?

  7. Gail,
    S is very close to w on the keyboard.

  8. Shat are you talking about?? I'm confused. Easy to do to me obviously. Now where did I put that W??

  9. I couldn't wait to see what I would find when I clicked onto your post with this title, and I still can't wait to see... :)

  10. Well, I'm waiting for what's next. The words appear to be a link... but it loops back again.

    A mystery. You're playing with us! LOL


  11. Looks like I missed all the fun! HA What would Don have said I wonder? But the post as now seen is fabulous! Your bee photos are the best, they really pose nicely for you. Finally seeing blue sky and the sun is a gift to help get us through the winter days to come. Those days seem to have decided to go back from whence they came for a few while longer as the forecast is for warmer temps this week. Hooray! Love that last shot. :-)

  12. Ahhh yes. Yesterday was a wonder filled day. The wind was really whipping here. We were out all day enjoying every minute of that sunshine. Your garden still looks lively with gossamer wings and open mouths singing happy songs no doubt.

  13. Gail .. I gues you hit the "edit" and solved the problem ? LOL
    It was funny girl : )
    Love all these gorgeous pictures !!
    We have had (shat) bad ? weather all of this month .. so no pretty pictures from my end of the world .. darn .. but I will remember yours !
    Joy (Candy Corn horse is in the barn for now .. phew !)

  14. You are such a tease! Wonderful thoughts and beautiful pictures.

  15. Sing it sister! That's what we all need to remember in the cold, grey and most wet (well for me anyway) months that lay ahead.

    I'm soaking up garden joy by the basketful! Literally!

  16. What great memories to keep all winter long. Sorry I missed the funny post the other day, but I think I've got it any way =)

  17. The mistake post was embarrassing, but you guys are the best for not being offended and for seeing the humor! gail

  18. That's just the kind of day we had yesterday, with blue skies and fall foliage to enjoy. And believe me, I did!

  19. Such a beautiful post, Gail! Unfortunately, I think we'll remember the most how it started out:) So glad you published the first comments today--I can hear the confusion coming through their words:)

    But seriously, these are such gorgeous photos; I took a couple of shots of your bees when I was there, but they all turned out blurry. These are all so crisp; love the gossamer wings. I can picture you now going through your garden with your camera. And thank you for reminding us to enjoy these beautiful sunny days. This will be a good post to revisit in the dead of winter.

  20. Rose, Yep, I think it shall go down in infamy! It's funny about the comments...they attached to this post...I didn't attach them! I am sorry you weren't able to capture the bees. I shoot on super macro and still get blurry images. Since blogging and wanting to show a decent photo...I now appreciate how many shots photographers take to get the one perfect shot.

    It was a joy to have you visit!


  21. Gorgeous memories, Gail!

  22. Gorgeous memories, Gail!

  23. Hi Gail.....such beauty.....what a difference a day can make...24 hours and the world is a different place.

    It is good to spend time with the bees and butterflies.....is there any better therapy?

    We are expecting rain tomorrow......we still need it, the ground is still very dry......

  24. Lovely. I felt that way Sunday, as I sat outside for the first time in days.

  25. Great pics of the bees. I've seen a couple here that I haven't seen all summer. Maybe there's hope after all.

  26. Ah, the sunshine diamonds on that last leaf. Beautiful. You're very wise to hold onto the memory. I'll try to do that when we're knee-deep in slush up here. But by that time your original header might be closer to the mark. ;^)

  27. It does look like a perfect fall day. I love those cool days with the blue sky and sun. I hope we have one soon too. Beautiful pictures! :)

  28. Looks like a very pretty day! Great photos! As for the 'Shat', I noticed you've fixed it, but when it came up on Blotanical with 'shat' I just HAD to click on it! Now this would be a really good way to attract more readers, don't you think?!?!!!

  29. Gail, Classic post in more ways than one.

  30. I try to commit to memory the feel of the sun on my face and on my back while working in the fall garden or taking a walk down our road, so that when the snow is swirling and the temps are frigid, I can somehow recall it and I feel just a little warmer. It doesn't work really, but I keep trying every year...

    I LOVE that last photo. LOVE IT!


"Insects are the little things that run the world." Dr. E O Wilson