Home of the Practically Perfect Pink Phlox and other native plants for pollinators

Monday, September 24, 2012

October Blue Skies Arrived Early This Fall

And the garden residents are celebrating the sweetness of the days.
The tiniest pollinators
The smallest butterflies
The bottoms up blooming flowers
The really big Asters
The bumbles nectaring on the late blooming Golden Asters

Even the hiding predators are all appreciative of the cool mornings, the warm days, the gentle breezes and the brilliant blue sky.

But, no one at Clay and Limestone is celebrating the beginning of Autumn more than me!

I hope your days are filled with cool morning, warm days, blue skies and wonderful garden visitors.


1. Aster tataricus (read more at Pardon My Big Aster)
2. Verbesina virginica and Red-banded Hairstreak (Calycopsis cecrops)
3. Physostegia virginiana (more here)
4. A tataricus
5. Heterotheca villosa “Ruth Baumgardner” and pollinator (here)
6. Asclepias incarnata foliage
7. Conoclinium coelestinum with  Skipper 
8 A tataricus and Monarch Butterfly

Gail Eichelberger is a gardener and therapist in Middle Tennessee. She loves wildflowers and native plants and thoroughly enjoys writing about the ones she grows at Clay and Limestone. She reminds all that the words and images are the property of the author and cannot be used without written permission.


  1. Again your lighting and angle are a feast for the eyes...is it the macro lens?

    1. Thank you Sharon, I use the super macro setting on my Fuji S100fs camera.

  2. It is a joy to feel the coolness and see these autumn beauties blooming and being visited by the happy pollinators, dear Gail. Your photos bring them to life right on the screen!

  3. Just beautiful, Gail! I love all the little tiny critters on the first aster. I woke up this morning not only to blue skies, but to a dusting of frost as well. Hope all the bees and butterflies found a warm place to sleep last night.

  4. You have a wonderful eye for seeing those pollinators and the ability to photograph them so well.

  5. I agree with Leslie! You make me want to go out to my patch of asters to see what I can see.

  6. It is the most glorious time of the year, imho! Beautiful shots of your autumn garden. Glad you're enjoying every minute!

  7. It was plum cold here this morning. A light frost. Brrrrrrrrrr. Your flowers and critters are marvelous. It won't be long and they will all be asleep for winter.

  8. Right back at you. The bees are humming here today. I need to go out and check for butterflies.

  9. As soon as autumn arrives for real here on my corner of Katy, I will be celebrating big time!

  10. Autumn is, I think, the sweetest time of year...love it!

  11. I've noticed a lot of bumbles around my toad lilies, as well as the other pollinator plants. I added a wild aster that blooms every fall and lives in the driest, meanest part of my garden into a garden bed redesign. Gotta love a plant that fends for itself!

    1. I love that description " lives in the driest, meanest part of my garden" That fits a lot of my garden!

  12. I noticed those cool brilliant blue skies here too...my pollinators are indeed happy this time of year as rain has brought the asters out!

  13. Its time for all the pollinators to rejoice. Its really a delight to see them in action. The flowers blooms beautifully.
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  14. We just had our first frost, but it hasn't done much damage so the pollinators should be happy for a while more.

  15. It is nice to have that dreadful summer in the rear view mirror, so to speak. The last few days have actually been cooler than normal, which makes me think that fall is arriving quickly. I just hope it stays around longer than normal, to delay winter.

  16. Hi Gail, I am still in a bit of denial, but the days sure are getting short! I love your photos, and the one with your hand as the background is awesome! ;o)

    I have my WW post scheduled to post at midnight our time.

  17. We have been enjoying a spectacular spate of weather as well. Blue skies and marvelous temperatures. However, I could use a little rain.


"Insects are the little things that run the world." Dr. E O Wilson