Home of the Practically Perfect Pink Phlox and other native plants for pollinators

Monday, September 12, 2011

September Charm

Anemone × hybrida 'September Charm'

Anemone japonica really is charming~No doubt about it.
It's especially appreciated in  September,  blooming a lovely pink when the summer phloxes are fading and  the Susans's are still dominating the sunnier beds. 
As charming as anemones are on a sunny  September day; my mind is on September's charms.  The light is changing as the sun shifts in the sky, the days are shorter and  the evenings are cooler.  I've even noticed that the sky is getting bluer... 
Plants that were in bloom a moment ago are bronzing,

Some are fading

 Crisping, or have

Even, gone to seed.

Halloween critters have made an early appearance

and pollinators dance through the garden.

I am so appreciative of plants that need no coddling. Soon the rough and tumble wildflowers will be in full colorful bloom.

        Lobelia siphilitica
I don't even mind the ones that needed an extra drink~Sometimes twice a week! They make me smile and keep the pollinators supplied with nectar and pollen.

September charms me into the garden to start projects that were impossible to do in the heat and drought. 
Anemone 'September Charm'
...and, September charms me into falling completely in love with  my garden all over again.



  1. What a delightful way to greet the day, with coffee in hand and gazing at the amazing and lovely photos of your beautiful garden, my dear friend. September is indeed, full of charms. The garden beckons...


  2. I feel energized again with the slightly cooler temps and the hope that the fall garden brings. Your garden is looking very lovely and photos are splendid with all the morning glow!

  3. I am charmed by your post. The garden feels almost "new" in September and with the cooler temps, it seems that once again, anything is possible in the the garden

  4. September is a month of change. Good change in many cases. It is sometimes a good thing to need a sweater.

  5. Just beautiful. The photos and your words. Much more positive than my little post. I wonder how aggressive Japanese anemones are in Oklahoma. Must do some research. :) ~~Dee

  6. Isn't it wonderful how we get this last beautiful display before the days get short and it gets cool? Thanks for the beautiful photos...

  7. Lovely post! September has always been a favorite for me because of the lead in to autumn, my favorite time of year. In the garden, my favorite time of year is May. However, I have come to appreciate the browns, the crispness, and the seedheads...there is a beauty in them. Your photos are lovely, particularly the faded susan...and your bench blends so well in the garden.

  8. This is a charming post. Love all the color and the pollinators busily appreciating the blossoms.

  9. I'm completely charmed by your garden all over again too, Gail! It looks lovely - I can almost feel the sun and hear the rustle of a breeze. I love September and this completely summed up why.
    Love, Victoria xxooxx

  10. Lovely photographs. i agree with so much of what you say - the bluer sky and cooler weather is tempting me into the garden, too. FINALLY. It's been a hot summer. I have never seen a crispy coneflower look so good!

  11. Your garden is indeed charming this September, Gail! I'm so jealous of your Japanese anemone--the new one I planted this summer didn't make it through the heat of August, I'm afraid. But even your fading flowers add to the autumn charm. Although it's a bit warm here today, I know it's not going to last--I'm appreciating these cooler days, too.

  12. Such a charming post of images and words. It was refreshing change of pace from this dreadful summer we hope is behind us.

  13. Your images are wonderful, and I love your purple bench! It's amazing how quickly our summer turned. Tropical storm Lee brought a new feel to the air. Still warm, but not suffocating. Gorgeous days with lower humidity. I love the changes in the garden that come with fall. It's a great time of year!

  14. This is definitely a great time to enjoy the garden, now that temperatures are cooling down and fall bloomers are coming into their own!

  15. Totally lovely! Thanks for the inspiration. Your photos are amazing, as usual.

  16. September is the best month of the year, weatherwise. What a welcome relief. Cool spider!

  17. That purple bench is so attractive, all pictures are clear and best visualization. Your garden is indeed charming this September, This is definitely a great time to enjoy the garden.

  18. What spectacular photos. I noticed that I have an anenome blooming that I bought at the plant sale earlier this year. I had forgotten about it and don't believe I ever watered it that much. (Note to self - plant more anenome!)

  19. Well, your charming garden inspired me. I finally found a way to plant Rudbeckias in my garden. The pollinators are already thanking me for it. I just couldn't stand seeing all your Susans anymore, and not having at least a few here! ;)

  20. Dear Gail, September in your world is decidedly charming in a wild and wonderful way. Wonderful colors and your photographs are stunning . . . every one! Splendid September post. I imagine the cooler weather is a treat too. Carol


"Insects are the little things that run the world." Dr. E O Wilson