Home of the Practically Perfect Pink Phlox and other native plants for pollinators

Friday, August 7, 2009

Susans Just Susans

Golden Susans in the sun

Golden Susans in a fog
Golden Susans with a friend
editted~(Aster x frikartii 'Monch')

Golden Susans everywhere....
Don't they make you smile?

Hello my friends! I hope this finds you all doing well and with plans for a delightful weekend.



  1. Hi Gail, I love 'em too. By the way that second photo is so lovely. I wish I were walking there enjoying the quiet of early morning.

    My motto is you can't have too many black eyed susans or you can never get enough black eyed susans;) Either way.

  2. The Susans look great! Some of ours have faded, I suspect powdery mildew. They did manage to go to seed so we'll see more in the future!

  3. Wonderful Susans. The weekend should be good since fall migration has started. Always looking for the unusual.

  4. Dear Gail,
    I hope this means those thumbs are cooperating with your healing plan. So happy you've shared your amazing Susans with us. That fog photo is drawing me in and making me wish I could walk among them. You must be so delighted with what you did in that area... it is lovely.

    You know my dilemmas with Susans... but I do have a few blooming now... only they are very small... honestly I can't figure out the wildflower thing. Maybe I should try them in containers next year where I can create a sandy, poor soil for them??? I can't just give up.

    I have been so busy lately ... not visiting much but I am so glad I took a minute to pop over here and smile at the sight of your pretty Susans. They are so cheery and bright. Have a great weekend, my friend.

  5. Your photos are beautiful, Gail, especially the second one in the fog--that should be framed and hanging on your wall! I planted my first few Susans this spring, and they are doing fine, despite having to compete for space--I think I overplanted:) I do hope they self-seed and spread to form a lovely mass like you have.

    I do hope the thumb is doing better; so glad to hear from you again!

  6. Hello all! I do love the Susans and am soo glad you .do, too! ...and it's true~"You can't have too many!"

    Isn't the fog shot fun! There was such an etherial quality to that morning....I have a few other shots that completely surprised me!

    Meems, I wish I knew the secret to the Susans...perhaps it's Benign Neglect!


  7. Oh, yes. I love them. I love your photo of Susans in the fog. It's nice to see you, Gail. I miss you when you aren't able to post.

  8. Just beautiful, Gail! Pure magick...--Randy

  9. Quite a mass expression! Really liked the purple friend as well. Didn't know they were called Susans in English.

    A lovely weekend to you!

  10. Dear Gail, It is so nice to see you back in action! The susans are really strutting their stuff for you too. They are wonderful in every bed. :-)

  11. They are gorgeous Gail. You have a great weekend too!

  12. Beautiful, Gail! I love the foggy morning picture!! Hope your hands and wrists are feeling better!! Go easy on the weeding. ;)

  13. Lsyjo, Thank you, much better....an injection of cortisteroids helped! gail

  14. I was out with a friend today and we saw sunflowers and Susan's galore. They do make me smile! Glad you are feeling better!

  15. The Susans are great- I have a special fondness for R. fulgida, with its smaller heads, but R. hirta is great, too, and all the others are excellent as well.

    Thanks for some great photos!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Like many others I think the second photo is incredible -- although I love all of them...

    I do think Susans like benign neglect. lol :)

  18. Yes, they make me smile! And how well they do with just the smallest bit of attention.

    Great photos!

  19. I love them too, Gail. However some of my gardening buddies purchased some gloriosa daisies today... some of which looked like short Susans! I'd guessed they were Susans... but I was wrong. ;-)

  20. Hi Gail, glad to see a post! Yes, I love Susans and they do make me smile. They do great everywhere, even in the shade. My Susans have the same pale purple friend as yours! ;-)

  21. Monica...hello! I am glad to be posting but, I have to limit typing~~still! Susans are wonderful plants and I don't mind giving them permission to take over! The purple friend is Aster x frikartii 'Monch' gail

  22. Yes, those are smiling flower faces. Love the mass plantings!


  23. My boss's name is Susan. Sometimes it really is all about Susan all the time. "Susan in a fog" describes her best ;-)

  24. Hi Gail....do hope the rest has helped your wrist....

    I bought two (susan) plants today....a cheap supermarket giveaway. They are in the ground and I have high hopes.....so many of you have sold them to me....

    I love the drifts of them....such impact......
    They look well with the asters....I would never have put them together but I like that combination very much......

  25. It seems that you're once again having a very Susan summer! They are bright and cheery, indeed. I hope your thumb and wrist are soon feeling as good as the Susans look!

  26. Hope you are on the road to recovery. That situation can be painful.
    The Susan's do look fabulous. I must try some in my garden. They are so happy looking.

  27. Susans in the fog was wonderful !!!!
    Beautiful pictures:-)


  28. Gail girl , you have some beautiful pictures here .. the foggy one is my favorite !
    Glad to see no bats are bothering you .. trying to get into a picture or two ? haha
    Mine (Little Count) seems to be "home" and not on the deck thankfully : )
    The "Susans" truly are having a great year all over the place .. even in the "Great White North" !!
    wink wink !

  29. Those Susans make me smile. I love the picture of them in the fog.

  30. They are indeed very bright and cheery, and if they can glow in the fog - even better!

  31. Just beautiful Gail and especially gorgeous "en masse" like you have them. I purchased that aster last fall (after seeing it on your blog) and it is beginning to bloom now. So happy to have it in my garden, thank you for that too. :-)

  32. Test to see if I can leave a comment successfully. If so, I'll be back. Fingers crossed.

  33. They're one of my favorites Gail! It's pretty amazing how well they bloom in mostly shade. They look beautiful in your garden. I love the foggy photo.

    Ouch - so sorry about your sore thumbs! I hope you're feeling better soon.


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