Sundrop with a friend
Oh, baby come on.....I remember rushing home after school to catch Dick Clark's Where The Action Is show and possibly see The Dave Clark Five or another of my favorite groovy groups in the mid 60's!
action on Verbena bonariensis
Nowadays, I rush to see what's blooming in The Susans bed. I am happy to report that there is some action going on...the plants are dancing to the beat and celebrating summer.Please join me and gardeners from all over the known blogging world, as we share the blooming action in our gardens on Bloom Day. Carol, of May Dreams Gardens, hosts Bloom Day on the fifteen of each month...Now, head over to where the action is to find links to hundreds of posts!So, Come On, Let me take you where the action is in my garden~
The Susans Bed is the sunniest strip at C&L. Almost all the lost labeled daylilies live here along with natives like coneflower, monarda, amsonia, baptisias, liatris, penstemons, coreopsis, butterfly weed, salvias, eupatoriums, Little Bluestem grass, panicums, sedges, verbenas, Tiger's Eye Sumac, junipers and non native friendlies like sedums, zinnias and hollyhocks. This time of year it really is a
'clown pants of color' as all the daylilies open, along with liatris, coneflowers, monarda and other!
(Not all the plants listed are blooming)...I don't mind it and hope it makes you smile, too.

Kindly Light, my favorite
cultivar of all
hemerocallis/daylilies. The
recurved petals, and
diamond dusted tetraploids are all wonderful, but this gentle soul hiding in a
spider daylily is classic! Go
here for all daylily terms!

No Label (NL) daylily ~~ Some diamond dusting and a bit of ruffles.

Another NL with some recurving!
Mrs Greenthumbs said that almost every daylily she ordered
turned out to have some hint of melon!
She always made me laugh out loud!
I miss her irreverent sense of humor!

Even stronger recurving petals!
Do you see any hints of melon here?
Hypericum frondosum 'Sunburst' (N) Way too short a bloom time, but it makes up for that each fall when the leaves glow golden orange...then there's that peeling bark for long winter interest.

Nicotiana sylvestris 'Only The Lonely'~~the fragrance is wonderful, similar to Four O'clocks. Planted in containers with...

Blackie and Margarite sweet potato vines, Tapien Verbena and Salvia Coral Nymph.

A long view of the container...This is a tough container to photograph, it's over my head and almost any angle gives you a perfect shot of my car, the brick wall or something quite distracting. Hope you can see why I like it so much! This is also the holding bed for all the plants that will go into the garden this fall!

Tapien Verbena 'Salmon' is slightly fragrant. It's not supposed to be, but mine are! I checked to make sure each plant I purchased had fragrance. You do have to get pretty close to detect the sweet vanilla. The growers promise that Tapien will grow until frost and even tolerate 14 degree weather. I hope so, that means it might be perennial here! It forms a nice weed smothering mat.
I like that in a plant.I've heard this verbena described as a super-vena!

Autumn Joy Sedum...already blooming...with Walker's Low Nepata, Purple Emporer Sedum, Tennessee Coneflower and almost ready to bloom is Peachie's Pick Stokesia

Redder in less bright sunlight~ the yellow eye is wonderful.

Peaking around the Susans, is this cute daylily in ruffles and in the sun, some diamond dusting!

I wish you could see this one in person...
It is a wonderful color...Frances, this may be the best orange daylily ever!

Heliotropium amplexicaule 'Azure Skies'

Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue'

Tradescantia virginiana 'Takeoverthegardenicus'

Where did this pretty thug come from! I would love it if it were fragrant!

Ah, zinnias a must for a Middle South garden for the soon to be in between times.
There are other pretty blooming flowers in the garden, but, let's save them for another day! You have blogs to visit and blooms to see all over the blogasphere! Thanks for stopping by to visit and have a wonderful Bloom Day!
For those who want to revisit their teen years or see what I am referring to in the title, you can visit Freddie Cannon singing Action
I CAN see why you like the Nicotiana planter so much -- that is quite impressive. And I loved the day lily tour -- those pink ones are really pretty. I've been watching mine open a few at a time, but then my day lily bed is only a year old. My favorite on the tour today was the Hypericum -- it's quite a perky little bloom, don't you think?
ReplyDeleteGail girl ! ... You have so many delicious plants blooming right now .. while we are swimming in a sea of green mainly .. and more rain than what is normal .. how can I say (darn it all) when the water is still much needed .. and for the sake of new gardeners, and gardens, it is wonderful. But I do feel that pull of all your beautiful flowers .. they are gorgeous : )
ReplyDeleteI used to race home from high school to watch the Monkeys TV show .. I loved those crazy guys : ) LOL
So why is it called the Susans? Maybe Black Eyed Susans? You have a lot going on and I like all your color. We do have a few blooms in common this month. Have a great summer!
ReplyDeleteLove all these but especially the verbena and spiderwort. Yay for sunny strips of sunshine!
ReplyDeleteThanks folks, I am going answer in groups.
ReplyDeleteLes, That's where all the Black Eyed Susans reign supreme for the rest of the summer.
Joy, I loved the Monkees, too! Before long it will be green here and colorful in your garden.
Diana, I am glad you like the container...and if you want hypericum, let me know and I will bring you lots of babies when I visit this fall.
Good Morning Gail, what a beautiful bloom day! Takeoverthegardenicus really cracked me up! I love those nicotianas, the Hypericum is beautiful and the pink and gold zinnias look fabulous together. Everything looks beautiful in your garden!
ReplyDeleteI'm blessed with some Takeoverthegardenicus myself. I admire all your beautiful daylilies, namelss or not.
Blooms Day has snooken up on me this month. Must get busy.
Oh that Dick Clark, he really knew how to pull our puppet strings! Dave Clark Five indeed! HA Now Freddie Cannon, he was worthy. But about the flowers, you have so many in that one space, could any more possibly gets packed in? The daylilies are wonderful, and that orange is perfect, agreed! Good deal on saving the nicotiana from devil squirrels too! :-)
Gail!! No one said there would be singing involved!!
ReplyDeleteI was just scrolling down through the blooms when I got to your new name for the Tradescantia virginiana--Boy you hit the nail on the head with that one!! I consider it almost a weed. Makes me crazy.
The problem with Verbena having a fragrance is that you have to stand on your head to smell them.
Have a great day!
The Nicotiana reminds me of Angel's Trumpets.
ReplyDeleteAnd The Dave Clark five were my most favoritest band!Gotta go watch Freddie Cannon,now.Thanks
Hi Gail, I have an island of the lost name daylilies too;) They were all purchased and then moved so long ago.
ReplyDeleteLove your nicotiana. I tried to find sylvestris seeds locally this spring but wasn't able to. I have several of the shorter variety but they have no scent. Last summer they drew the sphinx moths to my garden. I enjoyed watching them at dusk.
Can't believe your autumn joy is blooming already.
ReplyDeleteI'm another who never missed Where the Action Is and had the DC5 albums to play on the stereo, too! Ah, those were the days of transistor radios on the the school bus... but, back to blooms!
Your garden is just busting out with color! That "clown pants" comment made me laugh. I started reading Southern Living back in my early 20's. It was the first real magazine I ever read - a subscription gift each year. I asked Grumpy if he was the one who wrote about the "clown pants" colors as that's how my garden looks! :-)
Your sunny strip is just fabulous! Your containers are amazing and you've got so many of my favorites blooming.
My first zinnia bloomed yesterday. I've sown so many seeds for the gap time, too. I don't know what happened to my nicotiana seeds. I'm not seeing any seedlings anywhere. Do birds eat those? Very odd.
What a fun post! I need some waking up this morning. My sister posted the Archies now you have some singing too. I think it's working:) Need some coffee though.
ReplyDeleteLove the nicotiana. C & L is looking mighty happy! You just can't beat the daylilies at all. They are so pretty this year. I added a stokesia this year after I drooled over your post on it last year. I noticed yesterday it is about to bloom. I hope it is happy.
First I find out Frances was a fellow Ringo fan, now I find out you were a fellow Dave Clark Five fan, Gail! I had a crush on Mike Smith (I think that was his name) who had the gravely voice on some of their hits like "I Like it like that."
ReplyDeleteOh, that's right, we're supposed to be looking at blooms...I now officially have daylily envy. I love all the colors, but I'm smitten with anything pastel, melon tinge or not. Even the tradescantia is a lovely little flower despite its family of "takeoverthegardenicus." Have a wonderful Bloom Day, Gail!
Rose, We are boomers hear us sing! I do hope we get together this summer! You must have daylilies my friend! They are such easy care plants and there are thousands to choose among! A rainbow of colors...many with melon in them! Have a sweet day! gail
ReplyDeleteLzyjo, I have many hypericum babies if you want them...We should meet soon. How far from nashville are you?
Your garden is so scrumptious right now with all those colorful bloomers Gail! I love the containers too, nice height & drama with the Nicotiana. :)
ReplyDeleteAll the daylilies are lovely! Mine haven't bloomed yet, and in fact only one has put out its buds. The cool, cloudy weather hasn't been good to them, I guess. I love the containers too!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post Gail. Kindly Light is absolutely gorgeous. I love it. All of your daylilies, and the shot of the Susans bed. It's all wonderful!
ReplyDeleteYour container planting is awesome - you can't even see the container. Daylily season seems to be in full swing in TN. You do have some lovelies. Your first No Label Daylily looks very familiar. I wish I could remember which one it reminds me of.
ReplyDeleteJust gorgeous,Gail! We haven't seen the first butterfly or humming bird and you guys are further north. I wonder what the deal is...
ReplyDeleteI love everything, but I hafta say that orange daylily is my favorite! (my lilies were chomped on by deer, but I may still get a few...)
ReplyDeleteOh, my, Gail! That "orange" daylily is absolutely spectacular! I love it, and I didn't think I liked orange. Speaking of a "hint of melon," please let me know if you'd like a division of My Favorite (my name, not the real one) daylily.
ReplyDeleteGail, your post is so cheerful and the blooms so beautiful. I would be cheerful too if I had a big Nicotiana blooming in my garden. I always want to plant it but then I forget. How can I forget this?? Happy GBBD.
ReplyDeleteHappy bloom day Gail! All look great, and I so understand that first comment. First thing in the morning, I have to check what's blooming out there, and I often check again when I'm back from work. And what lovely surprises await....
ReplyDeleteHey Gail,
ReplyDeleteThat's one beautiful border babe!
It all looks so amazing...wish I were there. I guess GBBD is the next best thing. H.
You have a colorful tapestry of blooms, Gail. What a lovely early-summer bloom day.
ReplyDeleteYour beautiful border does not look like clown pants, Gail - too much green separating the flower heads for that to happen! It just looks summery and happy - what a fun post.
ReplyDeleteCould tall white nicotiana grow here in containers? I've had no luck with them in the ground but you are giving me an idea and some hope. Thank you and Happy GBBD!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
i just love your blog and garden photos...thank you so much for the inspiration and for sharing!
ReplyDeletehappy gbbd!
Annie, I never had luck with the nicotianas until I planted it in a container...I hope I can keep this alive, but even if not, I will buy them again...it's too special to pass up! Have a delicious day! gail
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed that your Bloom Day post has a theme, Dancing with the Beat. Lots to see here, Happy Bloom Day.
ReplyDeleteDear Gail....I love your sunny border....most of my borders are similiar.....full of colour, lovely.
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe sedum Autumn Joy is flowering...amazing. Mine has not even got buds yet....it will not flower until August.
I love the first photograph....butterly on verbena bonariensis....such a delight.
Your blooms and gardens are stunning Gail....lovely post.....
Your post title made me think of the old (very old) TV show called 77 Sunset Strip, starring Ed "Kookie" Burns and I think Connie Stevens. And wasn't there a song from him...something like Lend Me Your Comb. Back to your garden blooms. After looking at all your flowers, I feel slightly intoxicated. They are beautiful and more.
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing to me to think you have 'Autumn Joy' blooming already! Beautiful blossoms and great photos! You provided an other "upper" today! :-)
ReplyDeleteSneaked in back to thank you for the nicotiana enabling and to laugh at Donna's recall of 77 Sunset Strip - Kookie, Kookie, Lend Me Your Comb...a grade school friend's name was Cookie- we were all jealous when her sister got Ed Burns to autograph a photo "To Cookie with love from Kookie".
I love how full your Susans bed is, that's just my style. That nicotiana really is tall, I got some started this year, but that's all they did. I'll try again next year.
ReplyDeleteI remember Mrs. Greenthumbs, she made me laugh too.
I really like your sunny bank. I'll bet the butterflies and pollinators do too!
ReplyDeleteWow, so many varieties – loved that sunburst, it's just beaming!
ReplyDeleteamazing. And I just planted some of the black and blue salvia as a handmedown. so I can't wait to see it now that I have seen yours.
ReplyDeleteWow, Gail, I had no idea you were such a Daylily fancier! You almost qualify as a species botanical garden here... well, you do, actually! Diamond dusting, recurving, learned two new terms today. Thanks! Lovely, all of it, even the thug wild pea. Your Susans bed reminds me a bit of my parking strip, only yours is more filled in a planned-looking, wild as you might consider it. I LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteGail you are my new container heroine. That nicotiana container is a KNOCKOUT!! I'm not sure I realized you did containers before?? How did I miss that? You seriously need to come help me with mine. They are sluggish and dismal as all get out this year. Anyway, your garden is gorgeous for June Bloom day. I have nicotiana sylvestris seedlings popping up everywhere but no where near close to blooming like your "only the lonely." Do people slow down to admire your sunny border when they drive by C&L?? I sure would. I started verbena bonariensis after seeing yours and Racquels last year. I'm happy to say the seeds have germinated so I'm on my way. Anything that butterflies like is definitely a friend of mine. Happy Bloom day ~ you sure have plenty of beauties for us all to admire.
ReplyDeletePS I placed my bulb order already too. I hope you add the schubertii's ~ I don't think you'd be disappointed. and thanks for asking about my camera. It seems to be working fine so I think the hair dryer saved it??? I did manage to clean the sensor myself (which I was proud of) but it was actually very easy and I think that improved the quality of the images as well. You are always such a thoughtful commentor ~ it's so appreciated.
That container with the Nicotiana is really creative. I think even without the Nicotiana I would have liked it as you used my two favorite colors in it.
ReplyDeleteYou've all been incredibly kind with your sweet compliments!
ReplyDeleteKathleen, Good news on the camera...I knew you could clean the sensor! I don't usually do containers like the nicotiana. There just wasn't room in the chock full sunny bed! I am glad you like it!
Annie, I am the best at enabling gardeners!
Karen, I am .complimented by the comparison! Your gardens rock!
My friends, I have no idea why that one sedum is blooming! Perhaps it's not Autumn Joy but her sweet cousin..Early Summer Pink!
I so appreciate your visits!
I love 'where the action is'! Glorious bloom for Bloom Day...I have missed it this month, work, work, work! Must catch up but love seeing your garden in its' glorious bloom. Miss ya, Gail!
ReplyDeleteBloom Day is beautiful in your corner of the universe. I hope it was a happy one.~~Dee
ReplyDeleteGail, what a great collection have blooming at once. I will have to look for those nonlabel daylilies. Haven't seen them in the garden center yet. We grew that same beautiful Black and Blue Salvia last year, but it's just an annual with us. So many Salvias to try! Silly me, I didn't even realize there were other Heliotropes. Once again I learned a lot by visiting your garden. Now I need to get out and weed my garden if I ever aspire to add more plants to it. :)
ReplyDeleteGail, you kill me with your song references! And no need for me to visit the Freddie Cannon site; I remember that song and rushing home from school to watch it all too clearly! :-) Man, your daylilies are really something. Especially that orange one. Love your potted arrangement. I can tell from your photos that it's stunning. I keep meaning to send you an email regarding clicking on photos - we never did get a chance to talk about that at CSF. Happy Bloomsday/Bloom Day!
ReplyDeleteGood morning Gail, so many beauties growing and blooming in your sunny bed. You cracked me up repeatedly - what a fun post!
ReplyDeleteI was thinking mini-angel's trumpet when I saw your photo of the nicotiana, wonderful fragrance and all. And your reference to four-o-clocks - those are such nostalgic plants, and the first seeds I got to plant as a tot.
Speaking of nostalgia, listening to Freddie Cannon brought back so many memories, and replaced an earlier song-I-can't-get-out-of-my-head from another post I read earlier this morning, that replaced one I couldn't get out of my head during Spring Fling! ;)
Hope you're having a wonderful day.
Hmm. Well, mid '60s I was rushing around to watch Captain Kangaroo. What a difference a few years makes. Though now, like you. I rush out to the garden to see what the latest is. I'd love to find Mr. Green Jeans out there weeding away, or maybe setting out traps for Bunny Rabbit.
ReplyDeleteHi Gail~
ReplyDeleteWow! So much beauty and color in your garden! I really like the tall nicotania that you have growing in the container. The whole combination you put together is so unusual looking, I love it! That's quite a day lily collection...they are all exquisite.
I've missed out on posting for Carol's, May Dreams Gardens, GBBD lately. Hopefully next month.
Happy day!
Gail, your garden is a wonderfully colourful place. You have some great daylilies
ReplyDeleteBut it is the Salvia "Black and Blue" that has made its way on to my "must have" list.
LOL @ "Clown pants of color"! Isn't it funny how our interests change as we grow up? I certainly get just as excited about going outside to check on the progress in my garden as I used to get about a lot of other stuff in high school.
ReplyDeleteHello Gail! That sunny strip is chock-a-block full of beauties, isn't it? I'm determined to have vebena bonariensis one day. Does the butterfly come with it? I hope so :)
ReplyDeleteI particularly love the spider daylilies, but they're all wonderful.
The nicotiana container is spectacular! Love those tubular blooms! I'm picturing you trying to photograph it...leaning... :)
I can't believe you have Autumn Joy blooming already.
You're absolutely right about that orange daylily. Fabulous!
Oh my, the color and form of that heliotrope is so beautiful. And I want that salvia!
Who doesn't love zinnias?
Happy bloom day, Gail. I thoroughly enjoyed the tour. Thank you :)
I love that Hypericum! Wonder if I could grow that here...
ReplyDeletePretty stuff, Gail!
The Susans bed is just wonderful, Gail, a colorful and exuberant treat! Long live clown pants!