Home of the Practically Perfect Pink Phlox and other native plants for pollinators

Thursday, May 7, 2009

At Last...My Sun Has Come Along

My gloomy days seem over
and life is like a song
The sun popped out yesterday afternoon and I went to sleep with thoughts of gardening.We woke to clouds, but no rain and not too long ago the sun emerged from behind the clouds. 
  I am covered with dirt and you cannot wash the happy off me! 

The blue sky is back. At last~~
The rainy days are gone
The skies above are blue

Oh, you shine, you shine

For you are here at last!

Etta James can sing you a great song here! I just made mince meat out of the lyrics!

Forgive this little bit of silliness.  The other song that comes to mind is an Alan Sherman rendition of Hello Mudda, Hello Fadda....here I am at Camp Granada! Today's forecast is
partly sunny with a chance of severe storms!  That's good enough to get me out in the garden...the weeds have had their way for too long!
I hope you all have a sweet day and that you have enough of all you need.


Lemon Lily/Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus
Heucher villosa 'Autumn Bride'
Thermopsis caroliniana
Allium 'Sensation'
Dry creek flooded from the rain
Blue Sky above the GOBN
Japanese Maple

More blue sky


  1. Gail, I used those same song lyrics in a post I did about plants that finally appeared; I like your version a lot. I wonder if the lyricist was a gardener?

    Love that peachy/salmon chrysanthemum/china aster flower - what is it? I waaant it.

  2. Love that sunshine ball!! That's what my daycare kids use to call it. I'm kind of dirty-smiley too!

  3. Oh, how I envy you. I'm couped up here in my office and the sun is shining. I weeded the big bed last weekend and now more weed seed has sprouted and is 6-inches tall. Why can't these plant breeders develop some garden plants that grow like that.

    Enjoy your beautiful day.

  4. Dear Gail......so pleased that the sun has arrived and that you have been able to get dirty......there is nothing like soil on the hands, is there??

    Your photographs are lovely......bright and sunny and full of smiles...

    A cheerful happy post........

  5. Pomona B, Great minds! It was written so long ago...I wonder if he/she was a gardener, too. It's an aster I found at the nursery...There isn't a tag anywhere on them! I searched until I found the oranges...they are perfect for ll the purples and pinks I use. So glad you stopped by! gail

  6. I was extremely pleased to see the sun today. It makes me want to take a nice walk outside! Your flowers look very happy for their dose of sunshine!

  7. I'm so glad that the sun finally came out for you Gail. Nothing like being able to get outside & get dirty. Never mind just the hands. lol
    Your pics are so lovely.
    It's hot here. We need some of that rain. Getting hotter by the day.

  8. Whew, that daylily nearly shocks the eyes like the sun would. I can't beleive when I started reading this post that the sun came out here the first time in days. You must have sent this sunshine up here from TN. Thank you so much for the uplifting post and sunshine.

  9. You are too funny! I wish I were outside today gardening and could find my sun. My final in one class did not go so well:(( But the gardening class-was good-of course. Lovely pictures. I surely love that bee thermompsis carolinina. What a mouthful! I had to look at my 'Carolina Moonlight' and it is paler. I do like the bright yellow. Enjoy the sun. More rain forecast tomorrow night early Saturday.

  10. Gail, it's a shame you don't get the audio as I go through your blog..."Lilies, she's got lilies out! I can't believe it....Sure, show me what H. villosa is supposed to look like. Oh no, dahlias and zinnias, all ready?! Wonder if that is thermopsis or baptisia?" Gail, if I were you, I'd be rolling in the dirt in happiness. Hope those storms are benevolent - those clouds look a little testy.

  11. Etta James totally, totally rules. I especially love "The Blues Is My Business" and "Strongest Weakness." Your rain, in case you're wondering, has found its way to my town!

  12. Sounds you enjoyed a wonderful day out in the garden. Beautiful pictures, as always. I hadn't heard of the first daylily before. Is it fragrant?

  13. Hi Gail, dirty muddy gardeners with songs floating through their heads are the best! It all looks wonderful and the sunshine on our shoulders makes us happy. :-)

  14. Frances,

    "Sunshine almost always makes me smile;-)" We are going to have so much fun in Chicago!

    I have a new salvia...S greggii Navajo Purple. it's a jewel of a color.


  15. Love you song. Love the sun.
    Maybe the mud will dry up at my country project. Your pictures are beautiful - as always.

  16. Everything is so pretty.
    I thought I was the only one who goes to sleep with thoughts of gardening...happy dreams.

  17. You are forgiven! With colourful vitamine injections like that, I can see your smile!

  18. I'm singin' along with you, dear Gail ... you did Etta proud! Favorite song, great photos, and days as good as they get! It's wonderful hearing the song in each gardener's heart! You're a dear :)

  19. It's been wonderful for us in the SE US this spring, and your post is perfect. Thank goodness for the rain and sunshine!


  20. Hi Gail, your flowers aren't showing any wear/tear from the rain. They're looking great.

    Love that rod-iron fish. He's really cute.

  21. I was so glad to see the sun today too. It just lifted my heart up. Of course, we're supposed to get rain again tomorrow, but at least it reminded me of what nice weather is like. :)

  22. "I am covered with dirt and you cannot wash the happy off me!" I love it!!! Today was beautiful here too and I got to play outside this evening! I'm stiff and sore from the work, but oh, did it ever feel good to be outside with my flowers! I stayed out until it was dark! Thankfully the rain held off until then.

  23. Robin, I am so glad you have had time in the garden~~ I know you've been taking care of family members. Oh, but the garden is a magical place for us to go! The rain is returning, but the sunny break was perfect! Have a good weekend.


  24. Hi Gail,
    Wow, what an assortment going already! No wonder you dread summer with its doldrums. My blog is going to look like summer reruns to you when things really get going!

    But at least you'll always have PPPP to keep you company in the hot months!

  25. Gail, I hope you enjoyed your sunshine. I see you have been getting more rain. :( Your pictures evoke the feeling of such a beautiful sunny day - when it is raining just go back and look at them and sigh.

  26. There's nothing like a sunny day and some time spent in the garden to make everyone a little giddy, Gail:)Looks like the bumblebees are enjoying the sunshine, too.

    For once, we had a great week for gardening here. Even the thunderstorm yesterday was kind enough to wait until night to appear:)

  27. The sun is finally shining here again too Gail. Hooray for that, the garden has been neglected for too long. All this rain just makes the weeds grow taller, lol. Have fun in the garden!:)

  28. One of my favorite songs, Gail, and so beautifully illustrated! Have you ever heard Phoebe Snow sing it? Also sublime. Enjoy the sunshine!

  29. I love it! "I am covered with dirt and you cannot wash the happy off me!" In the month on May it's import to make the most of those moments of sunshine in the tumultuous weather.

  30. Love your infectious silliness Gail! I feel the exact way when we get a nice day after several gloomy depressing ones. Nothing like a little sunshine to buoy the spirit!
    Cake yourself in mud from head to toe and enjoy the garden (which is looking gorgeous by the way). Have a fantastic weekend!

  31. Love those lyrics. As I type, I'm listening to machinery! They've torn down more trees at the bank they're constructing across the street. So now I hear them again! Horrors! I love that first yellow flower. Such a bright cheerful yellow that brightens a day. Even a loud one.

  32. I read once that gardeners are just old kids who are looking for reasons to play in the dirt again. I couldn't agree more (and it sounds like you would too)

  33. I was singing the tune right from the start... very clever you.
    So glad for your sunshine, your dirt and your happy. Some pretty blooms today, too.
    Meems @ Hoe and Shovel

  34. Hi Gail~

    Loved reading this one! Love Etta too! I can feel your joy about getting back in the garden :) You have so many beautiful blossoms!

    Can you send some of that rain in my direction? We need it! My poor garden is dying of thirst.

    Happy gardening~

  35. Fresh, beautiful blooms. So glad your sunshine has arrived!

  36. My friends, Thank you so much for your wonderful comments...I have read them all and hope I've answered all questions! Have a wonderful weekend and Happiest of Mother's day to you all! gail

  37. our sun is very scarse around here. we had lots of rain early this morning and now just cloud coverage...doesn't the sun make all the difference. i am glad you included the names of the plants at the end...i do pay attention to your blog and the other tn blogs to see what is going good and healthy.
    happy may day gardening to you.

  38. I'm so glad you're back on the sunny side (Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side...). A well balanced garden is like a well balanced life, a little rain, a little sun, not too much of either.

  39. I was also covered in dirt today, and isn't it a joy! I'm clean now, but oh the wonder of spending the whole day out in the garden. Ahhhh.

  40. Gail you cracked me up...I was imagining you covered in dirt! You funny girl...

    xxoo Lynn


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