I'm thinking about breaking up with Cam! We just aren't working out! I met him online. Oh, I know, that's isn't always the best way to meet. He seemed so perfect! We talked a lot, almost everyday! I even did a thorough background check on him! But, somethings cannot be known until you spend time together, maybe even travel. I wish that Cam had come with an easy to read instruction manual, then we could communicate better. It's as if we are from two different worlds. We don't speak the same language. I hate it when he gets all technical.
The thing is...I've met Can. His real name is Canon, but he likes me to call him Can! We didn't meet online! He seems perfect! Can has a great perspective on the world! He can hone in on those distant subjects. Poor Cam is great when things are right in front of his eyes, but, he can't see the tree in the forest!
I just don't know what to do...it seems greedy to have them both!
Perplexed in Nashville
Edited 4/22/09 *Noun 1. misalliance - an unsuitable alliance (especially with regard to marriage)...
ReplyDeleteI'm still learning to use my new camera, but there are just some things it can't do as well as my old one. Even though it is supposes to be a newer version of the same camera. I AM going to have both and when my dear one finally passes I'm going to pay what ever it takes to buy another one. I don't think it's greed at all. :-)--Randy
Hey - play the field - juggle them both :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm sure they each have their advantages!
Randy, This camera thing is so frustrating! I tried out two Nikons...The D 60 and D 90 both were wonderful but I was going to need 2 more very expensive lens for closeup work and zoom! I can see why professionals have several cameres with lens already loaded. Maybe Mr I will be my assistant and change the lens while i am busy shooting!
ReplyDeleteThat was the term that was eluding me! Thanks...I just might have to play the field!
Gail, ha ha ha! There's no reason Cam and Can can't coexist. It's like having cats, not husbands! ;-) Signed, Miss Manners
ReplyDeleteI like EG's response-play the field and juggle them both.
ReplyDeleteIt was splendid seeing you last night! Got get in the garden and plant now. See ya next month.
I agree, play the field until you can find the one perfect match.
ReplyDeleteLOL! I agree. Play the field. It's better than getting a third unit involved. Maybe Cam will starting singing and sending you flowers like those Swiffer commercials?
ReplyDeleteP.S. I totally commiserate with you. I hate incomprehensible user manuals. Maybe they should hire better technical writers who can write concise user-friendly instructions. I love my camera. DH says he gets the camera "when we divorce." Even so. There are some features I don't bother with. I can't read the manual ever time I want to take a photo!
ReplyDeleteHooboy howdy! That was a huge surprise! I don't know much about this Cam guy, but do know Can. Quite well in fact. He and his lot are just the best sorts. You will be very very happy with him. Sorry Cam.
You'll get better as you use it more. One day you'll have an epiphany and it will all be clear;)
Sometimes one has to be a wee bit greedy! I'd change one of the names though as they are a bit close and you wouldn't want to mix them up in intimate settings! LOL :)
ReplyDeleteSometimes the right camera makes all the difference. Almost daily I experience frustration with my camera's inability to selectively focus on what I intend. I miss my SLR.
ReplyDeleteRight now I am agonizing over cameras too, and it's making me crazy. I'm strictly amateur, would like to take better pix but without an advanced degree in photography. I haven't a clue what apertures and F-stops are, but my camera geek friends say get an SLR. Too scary and too much to learn! Can't I just get a top of the line point and shoot and be happy? Who knows!
ReplyDeleteI say, the more the merrier:)
ReplyDeleteWho knows, the 'fellows' might just get along great!
I am praying that my camera never gives out. I've never had one so good and so comfortable. I can totally relate to what you are saying.
ReplyDeleteDear Gail......After nine months with my new camera, I am at last beginning to understand it....... and it now does what I want it to (not what it wants to).......
ReplyDeleteI gave my first camera away.....and I miss it....we were without doubt having a love affair....it was a match made in heaven.......I hope it is happy in its new home, that is all I can say........
ReplyDeleteLook at the Canon SX10 IS. It has a built-in zoom and wide angle, so I don't need to carry a back pack full of SLR lenses and such around.
Here's a link to a review:
Yes, all Canon instruction manuals are terrible, but if you've used a Canon, you can probably figure it out without a lot of reading. This one is highly programmable. I've been using it for a few months now (all of today's blog photos). It has a macro, but with the zoom capability, I find myself not bothering to kneel down for macro shots!
Gail girl ! I am so excited today : ) I have my new camera too .. Olympus .. he lets me call him Olly .. 26x optical zoom at 12 MPs and I am going to read the MANUAL this time !!! Plus .. I brought home another new 'big" baby .. Autumn Brilliance and I am SO excited about this new addition too .. I'm just so excited today I gave myself a headache ! LOL
ReplyDeleteGoing to bed right now ; )
Can you hear me singing "Breaking up is sooo hard to dooo..."? Only you can decide who is Mr. Right for you, Gail:)
ReplyDeleteI've often thought that I should start a second career as a technical writer. Not because I have any technical expertise, but because a technical dummy like me would know that other ordinary people need CLEAR instructions!
Somehow I missed your post on Monday...old photo or not, I think your photo of the natives in the woodland scene deserves a prize!
Dear Rose, Now I am singing along with Neil Sedaka! Really...I am listening to that song on Youtube...I had to when you referenced it! "I beg of you...." Someone surely needs to write them for real people to follow!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the sweet compliment...you are very kind.
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ReplyDeleteI'm sure it can be quite difficult learning to use a new camera. Plus they make those instruction manuals pretty tedious & very boring. Cute letter, maybe he'll take the hint? ;)
ReplyDelete"Can" is my personal fave Gail. That's not to say I wouldn't like another "locked, loaded and ready to go" just as you said. I'd probably pick another "Can" tho ~ that's how impartial I am. It's a good dilemma to have ~ good luck making a decision. I usually don't even try and decipher the owners manual ~ but rather play with it/all the buttons, etc., myself until I figure them out. I'm also lucky enough to have a professional photographer as a neighbor and she comes in handy for questions! Nothing like hands on learning...
ReplyDeleteIt'll be okay. I promise. Just give the relationship time.~~Dee
ReplyDeleteDon't you mean "perpixeled"?
ReplyDeleteI wish I could help you Gail. I am a point and shoot kind of gal. My old camera seemed to do so much better than my new one too. I wore out,ie dropped, my old camera so it had to be replaced. SIGH~~
ReplyDeleteGail, when I was looking for my new camera it seemed I either had to spen a fortune or settle for one that did one of the things I wanted. I chose the super macro and sacrificed the zoom. While I would love to be able to take a photo of a bird a mile away, I am more enthralled with the very close up shots of my flowers.
ReplyDeleteBut this is something only you can decide. I wish you well...but I think all of your photos are lovely.
I have had an on again, off again, relationship with a SLR for many years. I just love him and can't just let him go. I do plan to meet a new Can this May however. I hope SLR doesn't get jealous!
ReplyDeleteDear Gail,
ReplyDeleteYou know that after you meet someone and you like him at first, there is time needed to get to know each other better. You know also you can't rush things - it needs to have its own flow...
so... don't worry... it will clear out one day....
Hmmmmmmmm, you have seemed to open a Can of worms here. ;-) I'm all for playing the field. After all we are gardeners so it's allowed. Romp to your heart's content my dear with both Can and Cam.
ReplyDeleteNot greedy! Just snatching up life any way we can.
I keep 2 pistols packed at all times, Gail, so I'm ready to shoot anything! Actually, go online (like Amazon books) and purchase a Digital Field Guide specifically written for your camera ... I always purchase one to supplement the poor directions (can't imagine who writes them) that come with cameras, much friendlier to read ... so much to learn ... I'm still trying to get cozy with my new friend!
ReplyDeleteI concur! Can and Cam both have their uses.....
Chloe M.
That's why I'm wary about getting a camera with a lot of bells and whistles. I still have my point and shoot Fuji. :) It's pretty bad when you can build an aircraft engine but cell phones and cameras are beyond you!
ReplyDeleteGail, think of it as a necessary garden tool. Would you deny yourself a new weeder or spade? A cam (or can) is something you use every day - and we all benefit from your use of it too. (Can you tell I'm also trying to justify spending $$$ on a macro lens for my can?)
ReplyDeleteA different response. I am a beginner and had Kodax. Totally pleased with it. But dropped it Easter Sunday. Went to a local office supply shop to buy something and what a surprise, their camera's were on sale. So for much less then replacing my small one I replaced it with a Kodax Al012IS. So far this beginner is totally satisfied and I have much greater magnification.
ReplyDeleteBut then I am a beginner of 1 year.